There are so many homeschool curriculums out there it can be very daunting picking the right one. First you need to determine how your family dynamics work. For instance I have five different age children ranging from 2 to 15. I wanted a curriculum that had something for each of them at their grade level.
I specifically wanted a curriculum that was Christian based. The curriculum I found actually has memory verses for each grade level for each subject. It also teaches biblical principles throughout their work.
Since their are so many curriculums out there I wanted to go with one that was tested by my peers. I found home school families that had similar dynamics as mine. For instance we have a Pastor friend that home school's. Since my husband is a pastor and we live similar life styles their curriculum choice weighed heavy. I asked them about their curriculum and why they liked it. I asked them what their day looked like using their books. I even asked them how they ordered their materials. They were even able to direct me to other families that used their curriculum and loved it.
It did take a little research. However, I knew without a doubt what curriculum I wanted to try. When I finally started school with my new curriculum, I used my friends suggestions on how to implement the curriculum in our day. I love what I chose to use and it works perfectly for our family.
If you are changing curriculum or starting new make sure you pick what's best for your family. I found there are a lot of different opinions about every curriculum out there. Good Luck!
What curriculum is your favorite and why?
I have tweaked press a bit this year. We use Learning Language Arts through Literature, Teaching Textbooks Math, Mystery of History, and Answers in Genesis science. Language arts is my favorite and they have wonderful books to read.