Thursday, March 1, 2012

What I found in my Laundry #1

    I know I am going to be the only person who finds this post amusing but every week I do my laundry and I find interesting stuff every week. That is of course after the kids moved in. Before the kids moved in I didn't find anything interesting. So I wanted to start keeping track of it.

This week I found:
1- barbie shirt

2- Candy wrappers (1 now & later, 1 milky way wrapper)
1- Pencil shaving
1- hard small plastic green ball
1 - dime (lucky me)

If you found this amusing just CLICK HERE to see what I found on week 2


  1. You may find this is one of your favorite posts every week. It is always a great look into the lives of our children when we look in their pockets. Enjoy them, they grow fast!

  2. I am cracking up over here! I am so with you on the random stuff in the dryer! Mine is usually Fruit Snack Wrappers, Candy Wrappers, CHAPSTICK- I hate that one usually the hubs!!!! I love this post...totally random but I get it and thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Amanda...

    Holy cow...what I pull out of the dryer always amazes me! I am forever thankful when I DON'T find a pen...only then do I know my load was totally tanked.LOL!

    Also I was so thrilled to recieve your comment over at 21 Rosemary Lane regarding our adoption for real 4 kids? You must be a saint! But honestly our adopting Michael and Grace was such a blessing! I would never have known motherhood otherwise. The process does have it's challenges...but it is so worth it! Great luck to you as you go through the adoption prayers are with you. I look forward to hearing more about your adoption since I am now one of your followers!

    Have a winderful weekend!

  4. watch out for chocolate, pens, and sharpies
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
