Thursday, January 19, 2012

1-19-12 Update

     Lately I haven't had much to post about. I haven't completed any new projects sadly. I have just been doing my regular cleaning and laundry (laundry takes me two days a week). I did start a very small part time job this week working for my husband in his office at the church. Mainly data entry and organizing a couple hours a week.
    I am hoping to get some more organization done this week, at least my closet. It is long overdue to needed a good clean out.
    The kids are all doing great, they brought home their report cards yesterday and our 7 year old got all A's the 9 year old brought all her grades up but one. And our oldest had only 2 B's the rest A's. Her grades dropped a little, when we talked about it with her she blamed it on her teacher putting her beside boys that distract her. Somehow I don't believe that its the teachers fault she is distracted by boys haha. Our Preschooler is doing great with mainly all Satisfactory and seems to be on target.

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