The Rainbow Egg by Linda K. Hendricks, M.D. Illustrated by Linda Hendricks

I choose to review this book because it is about adoption and having four adopted children I thought I would see what some of them thought about it. 

The Rainbow Egg by Linda K. Hendricks, M.D. Illustrated by Linda Hendricks

The Rainbow Egg is a children's book about adoption. It is a story about a chicken that lives in the woods and has an egg but no nest. She finds a chicken coop with an empty nest and asks to put her egg in it. The chicken hatches and the mother chicken asks to leave her baby chicken with the Rainbows that had the empty nest. In the end she leaves her baby chicken and I think that was a little sad.
This book was supposed to be about adoption and that is why I choose to read it since I have four adopted children. I read it to my youngest age 1 and my oldest age 14. My youngest seemed to keep interest in the book because the pictures were nice and he loves chickens and eggs. My oldest said the story was ok but it did not get the point of adoption very well.

I had a hard time seeing a christian message in the book. The illustrations were well made. It was enjoyable to look at. I would not recommend it because the average child does not need to read a book about their mother leaving them. There was no reason in why she should leave her baby and not enough emphasis on how the new parents would be better for the baby chicken. I believe the adoption message would have been better if the new parents were represented as a better benefit to the chicken. Adoption is a hard subject to explain to kids and I think the author did their best.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own 
