doctors.. doctors... doctors...

      I don't know if I have ever mentioned this on my blog but I am not the fondest of doctors or doctors appointments. Its nothing personal to those wonderful doctors that help us to feel better. My blood pressure goes up everytime I have to go to the doctor. So needless to say when the kids moved in that was the one thing that I did not want to have to handle. However I have found myself in the doctors and dentists offices more then I can count now.

Actually I can count:
September: 2 Dentist Appts
October: 2 Dentist Appts, 1 Doctors Appt
November: 5 Dentist Appts
December: 3 Dentist Appts
January: 2 Dentist Appts, 5 Doctors Appt
February: 1 Dentist Appt, 2 Doctors Appt, 1 trip to the ER

Totaling: 24 times in the past 7 months.

By looking at the dentist appts you would think that at least my husband and myself went but no those are all kids appt. They had appts for xrays, then appts for cleanings and 2 of the kids had cavities and 1 needed sealants. I get to start my dentist appts all over again with cleanings starting in April. And I just got a letter in the mail saying it was time for their physicals YAY!! :(

I am very thankful that the doctors offices I go to have a radiology dept and lab because that saved me 3 additional visits for xrays and blood work that I was able to get done right away when I was there.

I am doctored out, I can actually say that my husband has helped me out on some of these. I know of at least 4 of those dentist appts he has went for me. And a couple we have done together. Which really helps with my phobia of doctors.

I decided to express my feelings towards doctors because I will be headed to one tomorrow for our daughters broke arm. My husband will be going with me thankfully. And I know that it will not be the last appt by far but I am praying for a little less in the next coming months.  My daughters broken arm stressed me out to the max, I always dreaded having to take my kids to the ER. So I am praying that I never again have to take my kids to the ER.

On a positive note, I am happy to say that the kids are cavity free right now and all are healthy except our youngest with her broken arm. I am also thankful that it seems like the doctor we are going to tomorrow has their act together and we have heard nothing but positive comments about them.
