It has been a long time since I have blogged. I believe the last time I blogged was in January. A lot has happened since then. The biggest thing is little Mr. Joseph he is our newest addition to the family and it was not easy getting him here. I was on bed rest for four months because of a short cervix. They put a cerclage in at 20 weeks and put me on a strict bed rest. Thankfully by the last month a lot of my restrictions were taken away and by week 37 I was up and doing stuff again. Unfortunately Joseph did not want to cooperate and he decided to stay breech instead of moving around. At 39 weeks I had a c-section after the doctors determined he probably was not going to flip. When they got to him they discovered the cord wrapped loosely around his neck twice. So as I said before it was no easy task getting him here. He is now three months old and such a delight.
Another change in my life is my oldest daughter being homeschooled this year. So far it is working out really well she is doing good and is a great help around the house also.
My kids are all growing up so fast, they started 7th, 5th, 3rd, and 1st grade this year.where does the time go.
Since I have rediscovered my blogging I hope I can work on some DIY tips and cooking again I really do miss that. I have been doing a ton of new baking recipes and would love to share them.Labels: Baby Joseph, Kids, school