Summer Break is Upon Us

    Today was our first day of summer break. And just like spring break the first day has went great. We took a little shopping trip where only one kid cried for about 5 minutes. Got some subs for lunch from Publix. Came home did our chores and are now relaxing. During our spring break we had a couple days like this before boredom set in.
    Luckily with the Adoption next week and some other things we have planned to do, boredom wont set in for a little over a week (hopefully).
   I have tried to plan some activities and even learning projects for the summer. I know how easily they can get bored just on a Saturday. Please pray that my kids can stay occupied and out of each others ways this summer!

Some activities we have scheduled are church camp, band camp (for oldest), summer camp (for 10 year old), learning activities for younger kids, reading program at library once a week, vacation, trip to grandma and grandpa's, trip to nenie and popie's, Vacation Bible School, and I think that just might be it for now!
